
Benoit-Pierre Marchal began his journey with the didgeridoo in 2011, captivated by the instrument’s unique sound. Initially, he played the didgeridoo, but his passion soon inspired him to craft his own.

In 2016, he discovered a perfectly shaped piece of driftwood along a river near his home in France, and he knew it would become his first self-made didgeridoo. Using only a few hand tools from a flea market, he created his first didgeridoo, marking the beginning of his journey as a craftsman.

Eight years and over 100 didgeridoos later, Benoit-Pierre has moved his workshop to Switzerland, where he crafts didgeridoos from local tree trunks, branches, and thick wooden boards. His process combines an organic, intuitive spirit with advanced techniques, producing solid didgeridoos, detachable ones, and multi-key instruments.

Benoit-Pierre makes didgeridoos with the sound he loves—focusing on rich harmonics, active and passive voices, and vibrant resonances that allow players to feel the music within their bodies. He pays special attention to wall thickness to enhance playability and responsiveness, using thickness compasses, self-made wood planes, and various hand tools.

Each mouthpiece is designed for maximum comfort, featuring a boxwood ring for a gentle mouth feel.

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